
Are New Pokemon Cards Worth Anything?

If you’ve ever watched a video of someone opening vintage Pokemon cards you probably see prices in the tens of thousands of dollars popping up all over the screen and it can make the value of more recent Pokemon cards look pretty measly.

The 5 Best Sleeves for Pokemon Cards

To some, they may just be colourful cardboard, but for you, Pokemon cards are collectables. And when you’re collecting something, you want to ensure they’re safe and protected to preserve their condition. You can’t start that process with cards unless you use card sleeves.

The 10 Most Valuable Misprinted Pokemon Cards

Opening a Pokemon TCG pack is always an exciting moment. You never know if you’ll get your favorite or valuable chase card until you’ve opened the pack. And as you pull the cards out and eagerly go through each one, you notice that one or more of them has a defect. What now?

How To Know If You Have Fake Pokemon Cards

How To Know If You Have Fake Pokemon Cards

With the resurgence of Pokemon in the last few years also came the resurgence of fake Pokemon cards. These are typically significantly lower-quality cards printed by third-party companies in an attempt to mimic actual Pokemon cards. They attempt to fool people who don’t know any better like clueless parents into paying full price for their cheap knockoff.

Gold Pokemon Cards: Are They Worth Anything?

Gold Pokemon Cards: Are They Worth Anything?

Gold Pokemon Cards: Are They Worth Anything? What Are Gold Pokemon Cards? If you’ve ever browsed Pokemon cards on sites like eBay or Gumtree, there’s a good chance you’ve tried to purchase what you thought was a bargain… only to realise that it was in fact the gold...

Need To Sell Your Pokemon Cards?

Send them to us! We’ll take any Pokemon cards off your hands for a great price. Submit your Pokemon cards for appraisal and get paid fast!

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