
Are New Pokemon Cards Worth Anything?

If you’ve ever watched a video of someone opening vintage Pokemon cards you probably see prices in the tens of thousands of dollars popping up all over the screen and it can make the value of more recent Pokemon cards look pretty measly.

The 5 Best Sleeves for Pokemon Cards

To some, they may just be colourful cardboard, but for you, Pokemon cards are collectables. And when you’re collecting something, you want to ensure they’re safe and protected to preserve their condition. You can’t start that process with cards unless you use card sleeves.

The 10 Most Valuable Misprinted Pokemon Cards

Opening a Pokemon TCG pack is always an exciting moment. You never know if you’ll get your favorite or valuable chase card until you’ve opened the pack. And as you pull the cards out and eagerly go through each one, you notice that one or more of them has a defect. What now?

The 10 Most Expensive VMax Pokemon Cards

The 10 Most Expensive VMax Pokemon Cards

VMax Pokemon cards are a derivation of V cards both of which were introduced in the Pokemon TCG in 2019 with the introduction of the new era of Pokemon cards: Sword & Shield. Similar to GX and EX cards of previous generations these cards are considered basic and can be played without any prior evolution to it.

5 Easy Ways To Get Free Pokemon Cards

5 Easy Ways To Get Free Pokemon Cards

There’s no point in trying to hide it, everyone who has ever collected Pokemon cards has thought if not googled the same thing: “how can I get some Pokemon cards for free?”. Chances are, that exact thought and/or Google search is what brought you here today.

The Top 100 Rarest Pokemon Cards List

The Top 100 Rarest Pokemon Cards List

Of course, are thousands of one-of-a-kind Pokemon either because they are incredibly miscut which would technically be the “most rare” Pokemon cards. However, there is no realistic way we can track down every error and miscut card that random people around the world have pulled, so, for this list, the first 90 cards will be the most valuable cards according to TCGPlayer.

How To Check If Your Old Pokemon Cards Are Worth A Fortune

How To Check If Your Old Pokemon Cards Are Worth A Fortune

If you were born in the 90s and over, there’s a very good chance that at some point in your life you opened a pack of Pokemon cards or at least got your hands on some Pokemon cards. In your little child brain, you probably had no idea that in years to come that these very same cards that you were haphazardly trading with your friends in the playground would be worth quite a bit of money.

What Are Metal Pokemon Cards And Are They Worth Anything?

What Are Metal Pokemon Cards And Are They Worth Anything?

If you’ve browsed Pokemon cards on eBay or Amazon before, there’s a good chance you’ve come across what are known as metal Pokemon cards. We think it’s just worth saying immediately that if you are a parent looking to buy Pokemon cards for your kids who’ve asked for Pokemon cards, this probably isn’t what they’re looking for.

How To Open Pokemon Cards: A Beginner’s Guide

How To Open Pokemon Cards: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’ve watched even a bit of Pokemon TCG content then you’ve seen that there is a specific way everyone opens a pack. From how they open the wrapper of the card to how they shuffle the cards afterward, there is clearly an order. Sometimes they’re going so fast you may not even be able to understand the reason for this, but not to worry, because there is a reason for this.

Need To Sell Your Pokemon Cards?

Send them to us! We’ll take any Pokemon cards off your hands for a great price. Submit your Pokemon cards for appraisal and get paid fast!

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